ericsysmin's DevOps Blog

How to Install Pyenv on MacOS

Steps to install Pyenv on MacOS

There are a few ways on MacOS to install Python. You can install it via Brew, or by using Pyenv. After needing to switch between different versions of Python often I’ve decided to move to Pyenv. Prior to these steps I removed all versions of Python installed directly with Brew.

1. Update Brew and install prerequisites
We will need to update brew.

In some cases when installing Python >=3.12.1 we will need ncurses. If it’s missing you can install using:

2. Install Pyenv using brew

The recommended way to install pyenv on MacOS is brew.

3. Brew doctor fix

If you want to avoid brew doctor warning about “config” scripts existing outside the system or Homebrew directories please include the following in your shell.

4. Configure your Zsh profile.

If you wish to use Pyenv in non-interactive shells, add the following:

5. Restart shell

6. Install python 3.12

I am going to show how to install python 3.12 but you can select any version of your choice.

7. Switch between your python versions

pyenv shell <version> – modifies python for the current shell session

pyenv local <version> – modifies the python used in the current directory (or subdirectories)

pyenv global <version> – modifies the python used for your user account