ericsysmin's DevOps Blog

Configuring Docker Desktop on WSL2

Configuring Docker Desktop on WSL2

First steps, you’ll need to install and configure WSL2. To install WSL2 you can use the Microsoft Store or follow these instructions:

Then to install Docker to run on Windows and WSL2 you’ll need to follow these instructions:

During some testing and trying to simplify my WSL2 environment I stumbled upon an annoying issue that prevented me from running docker ps each time I attempted to run docker ps I’d receive the following error.

To get around this issue you’ll need to run the following commands:

Once those are ran you should be able to run docker without hitting permissions errors.

Those commands are adding/ensuring that the docker group exists and adding your existing user to the docker group. It then modifies the docker.sock to allow the docker group access to the socket.

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I haven’t posted in a while…

I know I haven’t really posted in a while; the past 2 years have been extremely busy. With both work and two new kids joining my family, maintaining and sharing my knowledge here has been…well a bit difficult. With the holidays coming up, I plan to add some more content to this blog to share some new things I’ve found, as well as changes to some previous methods.

Stay tuned…

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Install Postman on Ubuntu from Binary

This one is pretty straight-forward. Simply just download and untar and then create a desktop link, and /usr/bin link.


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Converting WSL 1 Operating Systems to WSL 2 on Windows

Converting WSL 1 Operating Systems to WSL 2 on Windows

You will need Windows 10 build 18917 or higher to be able to use WSL 2. Please note, you will need to have the Powershell Administrator window up. If you are converting WSL 1 to WSL 2 I’d assume you have Linux Subsystem for Windows installed. If not, the following command will install it for you.

Once you do that you will need to run

Now you should be able to run, substitute <Distro> with your specific distribution. You can get a list by using the command: wsl --list --verbose .

For setting all future distributions to use WSL 2, you will need to use the following command:

Now the last step is to verify your changes worked:


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Been a while…

Sorry everyone, I’ve been gone for a while. I’ve been super busy at this company Avi Networks. I’ve been here for 2 years, and it’s been growing fast. However, I’m back in the DevOps/SRE realm of things, which will allow me to once again share some of my insights on the world of automation, containers, scripting, and other cool workarounds to get things working the way you want.

I’m probably going to make a few changes in the next few weeks to this blog to get it running again, and move the commenting system over to something that I won’t have to manage and prevent spam. I’ve manually had to approve a lot of comments, and that doesn’t scale, obviously. lol

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