ericsysmin's DevOps Blog

Installing Wget via Xcode on Mac OSX

Installing Wget via Xcode on Mac OSX

Install Xcode

First, you will need to ensure that Xcode is installed, and you can install it via the App Store here

Installing Wget

Next, we need to get the latest copy of Wget. We will use curl for this command.

We will extract the tar.gz

Change your directory to the wget folder that was extracted. Then configure it.

Now we need to make wget, and then install it.

Let’s test it to make sure it works


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Adding Self Signed Root Certificates

Often times you may need to have your internal systems have a non-public root certificate installed, from an internal CA. These are a few steps on how to add that root certificate.

Linux (CentOS 6)

  1. Install the ca-certificates package from yum.
  2. Enable the ability to dynamically update CA Trusts
  3. Add your certs to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
  4. Update your CA Trusts

 Linux (CentOS 7)

  1. Copy your root certificate to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
  2. Update your CA Trusts
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Pets vs. Cattle

Earlier I had mentioned about Pets vs Cattle, and one of my recent friends asked me what it actually means. Pets vs Cattle is a concept. Recently brought on by the advent of cloud computing and managing massive infrastructures which can be easily automated. Its extremely different than traditional systems administration, which was born from physical machines where you may need to purchase new hardware, build it, then deploy it within your datacenter.


First you give them a name. Then you installed services on that server, and if the server got corrupted or hardware failed you had to repair the computer, possibly rebuild the hard drive, fix corrupted filesystems, I could go on essentially you nursed it back to health. This is referred to as "taking care of a pet", you take care of it, you update, upgrade, and patch it. Some applications still need this attitude, but many in this decade do not! Now we've changed, and we with RESTful APIs can quickly spin up infrastructure, and build from scratch to a working machine in minutes.


Now with cloud computing we are able to do amazing things. I can easily build a "golden image" from a running application, even build that image from scratch and use it in an autoscaled environment (something Netflix has done for years!). Using tools like Ansible, Puppet, Salt, and Chef, you can quickly build new infrastructure that is known to work. You can even use those tools to build a brand new image which can then be used to create 100 servers just with one command line entry. Instead of names these guys get numbers. All servers are essentially identical to each other. If a server dies, you issue a couple API calls (or not if you are using AWS Autoscaling or similar, as it does it for you if you want it to), and now you have replaced that server in your environment. If a cow is ill/dying you kill it, and get another. That's where this analogy originates.
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Socks5 Jump Host Proxy Service

So, everyone uses a jump host to help with security. It often causes people to require to configure SSH tunnels, to remotely browse the services and even connect to hosts in another network.

The best information I found was using a command like this:

However you have to enter that at every single boot! There’s no status on it, and that doesn’t help you simply run it in the background even without logging into your jump host.


Lets run it as a service! For this instruction I am using CentOS 7, simply because systemd is in the new OS’s, so it’s relevant.

Now you have a no mess, socks5 service running on your host. If you want it to start with boot, just run:


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